Strength in Diversity

Much in the same way investors diversify a financial portfolio, PCC works with professionals across many disciplines within the healthcare vertical.  While their services and areas of expertise all vary, the reasons they chose PCC are all the same:

  • a culture that values listening and thorough needs-analysis;
  • an understanding that healthcare is best when delivered locally;
  • expertise in formulating cost-effective solutions;
  • never sacrificing credibility and long-term satisfaction for short-term gains.

Independent Representatives & Distributors

  • We have cultivated and maintain long-term relationships with 1099 representatives and medical distributors from coast-to-coast;
  • Given PCC’s longstanding ties with hundreds of labs, insurers and providers, we offer shelter from the volatility typically seen in the lab sector.

Physicians & Administrative Personnel

  • Our diversity of physician relationships is evident in the specialties our current client roster practices: PCPs; Pain Management; Cardiology; Psychiatry; Addiction & Recovery; Allergists; and Geriatrics;
  • Taking the time to understand a practice’s needs is vital, especially when considering the broad mix of patients with different insurers/insurance designs, and Federal coverage of Medicare and/or Medicaid;
  • In an era where reimbursements are being squeezed more than ever, avoid common administrative mistakes that keep your practice from being paid for services rendered;
  • For far too long, practices have become accustomed to seeing exhaustive lab reports that have no clinical impact on their patients.  Let us help your practice find the right lab partner with the willingness and capability to produce customized reports.

Small/Rural & Independent Hospitals

  • While the issues are similar regardless of the size or location, small/rural and independent hospitals have acute needs that must be addressed differently;
  • The following are all germane to your hospital’s fiscal health: increasing revenues and decreasing costs; overall customer satisfaction; managing a more ethnically and geographically diverse patient population; maximizing areas of profitability; and the choice to remain independent.  
  • Particularly in the lab area, we can provide solutions to give you a wider range of services you can offer, and enhance your prospects at profitability.

Lab Partners

  • Current and prospective lab clients can benefit from routing their services through our extensive, coast-to-coast network;
  • Toxicology, molecular & genetic testing have emerged as significant growth areas for our partners;
  • PCC can help to drive good, qualified business to your lab;
  • Click on the “Get Started” button to learn more.