Laboratory Management Services

Based upon your exacting needs, Physician Core Care can match your practice with a laboratory that best meets your clinical requirements.  PCC is dedicated to improving the safety and quality of life for patients, while protecting physicians and increasing their office efficiency.

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Business Health Assessments

Lost opportunity costs are oftentimes the most expensive. You and your team work tirelessly to provide the best available care, so why leave money on the table?  Don’t allow missed opportunities and stealth costs to impede the profitability of your practice.

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Prescription Drug Compliance Program

Prescribing opioids can be a very risky proposition.  PCC can tailor a Prescription Drug Compliance Monitoring program for your practice, thereby giving you an objective means of determining treatment adherence and potential drug abuse or misuse.

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Additional Services

PCC has partnered with service providers in a numbers of disciplines to offer you a comprehensive range of solutions for whatever your practice requires, including: Pharmaceutical Compounding alternatives, Clinical Trials, Revenue Cycle Management and Electronic Medical Records.

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